Nurse Delegation
Get Your Caregivers Certified to Perform
Nurse Delegated Tasks
Who Needs to Get Nurse Delegated?
The Department of Health defines the requirements for Nurse Delegation with two following WACs: WAC 246-840-930 and WAC 246-841-405
According to these rules, Nurse Delegation is required for*:
Home care aides (HCAs) working in a residential care facility
Nursing assistants (NACs/NARs) working in a residential care facility
Independent providers (IP) for a home-care agency caring for clients that qualify for the COPES program**
*Not all long-term care workers (LTCW) require Nurse Delegation. It is necessary only for those LTCW who are performing tasks that require nurse delegation.
**IPs who work through the COPES program directly with a client must be members of the SEIU union and do not require nurse delegation. They perform those same tasks under the designation of "self-directed care." This means that because no licensed facility is involved, the client becomes the employer. The client is responsible for training the IP and "self-directing" the task, but without requiring nurse delegation.
How to Get Nurse Delegated?
The long and hard way is to do self-study using a coursebook and then spend days or sometimes weeks finding a nurse who has the time to assist with all the legal requirements. A registered nurse must teach and supervise the caregiver, as well as provide nursing assessments of the patient's condition.
The quickest and the most convenient way to get nurse delegated is to do the training online, followed by a virtual, proctored final exam.
We offer certification in two nurse delegation training topics: Nurse Delegation and Nurse Delegation Focus on Diabetes.
Nurse Delegation is a training course for nursing assistants and home care aides seeking certification in nurse delegation.
Course Credit: 9-hrs of Nurse Delegation, Population Specific Training, and Continuing Education credit.
Duration: approx. 9 hours
Delivery Method: On-Demand (Self-Paced) eLearning + Virtually Proctored Final Exam
Intended Audience: Long-term care workers (LTCW), home care aides (HCA), nursing assistants (NAR/NAC), and other healthcare professionals.
Nurse Delegation Focus on Diabetes is a training course for nursing assistants and home care aides seeking certification in nurse delegation for diabetes.
Course Credit: 3-hrs of Nurse Delegation Focus on Diabetes, Population Specific Training, and Continuing Education credit.
Duration: approx. 3 hours
Delivery Method: On-Demand (Self-Paced) eLearning + Virtually Proctored Final Exam
Intended Audience: Long-term care workers (LTCW), home care aides (HCA), nursing assistants (NAR/NAC), and other healthcare professionals