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A New Way to Train Your Caregivers: Cornerstone Partner Portal

Updated: Sep 20, 2022

Training caregivers is a big challenge for every long term care facility. On top of all the other daily tasks, office management, care-related tasks, and paperwork, you need to make sure that all your caregivers are trained and that their licenses are up to date.

That is why we came up with a way for you to offer your caregivers an in-house training portal. This means that you'd have a training portal, branded to your company name, through which you can train your caregivers online. That's Cornerstone Partner Portal.

You'd get an efficient training delivery portal, without all the complications of creating courses yourself, getting DSHS approved, and actually doing the training.

Here is an explanation and a short walkthrough of how it all works in practice:


Hi, everybody! Chris Smith here from Cornerstone Healthcare Training.

I hope you're having a great day today.

I wanted to record this video to talk about the Cornerstone Healthcare Training Partner Portal.

Many of our clients over the years have expressed challenges, pain points that are re-occurring for employers training caregivers in the state of Washington.

Now, much of these issues, much of these problems that we've heard over the years are

centered around the ability to create high quality training content, but also

to deliver it - to deliver it seamlessly.

And on the other side of that, you want to be able to track your caregivers' progress to make sure they're in compliance with DSHS in the state of Washington, making sure that your caregivers are completing in a timely way, tracking your progress, making sure they understand your content.

So, Cornerstone Healthcare Training has developed a Partner Portal to help you with exactly that.

So, let's talk about what it is.

So, the Cornerstone Healthcare Training Partner Portal is your own business' kind of, training portal to where you can deliver high-quality training, either HCA training, Continuing Education Training, Basic Training or even your own courses.

Maybe you've developed something special to give to your caregivers to train on.

Maybe you have something outside of the realm of HCA training or Continuing Education that you would like to deliver to your caregivers as additional training.

The Cornerstone Healthcare Training Partner Portal allows you to do that.

The way it works is, that we set up this awesome co-branded Partner Portal for you. In my example today, we're the Washington Caregivers, but this would be represented as your business and what we're looking at is a fully functional web page to where you could get your caregiver started.

You could give them this link via email notification inter-office text - however you communicate. It's up to you whether you charge and use the e-commerce functionality

of the Partner Portal or not - totally up to you.

But, as an employer, if you do want to get into monetizing your training, or if you do have that special course that you've created as an employer, and you're looking to maybe sell it, this Partner Portal is all set up for you to do that.

Now, once your caregiver registers, they come back to a branded login screen

you can see once again the Washington Caregivers powered by Cornerstone Healthcare. The logo is here - this would be your business.

Your caregiver simply needs to log in here and they'll be dropped into their caregiver dashboard, which has all the training that they've registered through the Portal, waiting for them.

What's also very useful to many of our employers is the ability to gather additional data on your caregiver. Maybe you'd like to keep a caregiver profile for each of your caregivers that you've hired and maybe part of that portal needs to have additional information.

This user profile - this caregiver profile, you might want the license number.

You might want their location, and their age. Who knows, you might want their scrub size.

Anything you want to gather, you can add here and then. What's really great about it is you can use it to report that data in our robust reporting functions in the Partner Portal.

You could also use it to set rules for your caregivers and direct them into what the next piece of training they may need to take is. Now, once your caregiver has registered and logged in, they get dropped into this dashboard where each of their courses is here, waiting for them to take.

And once again, as an employer, you'll have full visibility into your caregivers' progress, how far into the course they are, what percentage is completed, how they did, what passing grade they've earned or not passing grades.

You could use the full suite of course elements here to create your own courses and then once again the robust reporting.

You may want to pull reports on your caregivers' progress. But, also caregivers who maybe haven't registered for something in a while you need them to. Maybe you want a report of just your caregivers who completed. Not the ones in progress, but those who have finished.

So, there's a lot of flexible reporting options here, as well. Now, on the employer side of it, aside from the tracking, you'll be able to do some really great things like setup gamification. You could give badges to your caregivers.

Hey, caregiver, you're doing great! You took five of my training courses as an employer.

If you take number six, I'm going to give you the expert badge!

I'm gonna call you the expert,

That's your new moniker! Awesome job!

And you make a game out of it. You incentivize your caregivers to learn more, to train more to be more valuable to your facility.

So, I've just touched on the surface of the Cornerstone Healthcare Training Partner Portal today. I hope it's enough to where you want to email me and get a little bit more information.

You and I could go through this together. We could talk about the features and functionality available within the branded portal for you, the employer and what your caregivers will get out of it.

One of the most important things here is with this Partner Portal, Cornerstone Healthcare Training takes on all the support, both for your caregivers and for your employer administration. Let us take that off your hands.

The whole idea here is to give you back your time so that you can focus on what you do best, which is employing caregivers, training caregivers and your caregivers, what they do best is giving care and that's the way it should be.

Or you can give us a call here at Cornerstone Healthcare Training or of course visit us at in the employer section.

You can read all about the Cornerstone Healthcare Training Partner Portal, but I'd love to talk to you more about it.

Please, give us a call here or give me an email

I look forward to speaking with you soon.

And let's be partners!

Okay, take care, everybody.


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